Month: July 2022

COVID Update: 10/05/2022

Dear Loved Ones,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to give you an update on Complete Care at Summit Ridge’s response to the Coronavirus.

As of 10/5/2022 at  11:00 am there are:

0 new residents who have tested positive for COVID-19
0 new residents considered Persons Under Investigation (PUI) for COVID-19.
0 new center staff who have tested positive for COVID-19
0 new ce…

Dear Loved Ones,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to give you an update on Complete Care at Summit Ridge’s response to the Coronavirus.

As of 10/5/2022 at  11:00 am there are:

0 new residents who have tested positive for COVID-19
0 new residents considered Persons Under Investigation (PUI) for COVID-19.
0 new center staff who have tested positive for COVID-19
0 new center staff considered Persons Under Investigation (PUI) for COVID-19.
0 new residents have passed away due to COVID-19 during this pandemic.
0 new center staff have passed away due to COVID-19 during this pandemic.
0 new center staff recovered from Covid 19.
0 residents have recovered from Covid 19.

Dear Visitor:

As a reminder, please do not visit if you are experiencing any cold-like, covid19, or flu-like symptoms. If you visit your relative in the facility and after that visit, you are having signs and symptoms of covid or test positive, then please advise the facility. If you have signs or symptoms of covid -19 or test positive, then please  do not visit.

We are following all the necessary precautions and safety measures, set by the CDC and NJDOH, in order to provide a safe environment for our residents and staff.

New clothing item information: 

When bringing in new clothing items for a resident, we ask that you please stop at the front lobby desk to inform the  staff receptionist that you have new clothing items for the resident.  These new clothing must be labeled with the resident’s name. Further, the receptionist,  will log in the new items on the inventory sheet provided for the resident.  We are requiring this standard to avoid loss items for our residents. Should this guideline not be followed , the facility will not be responsible for any missing items.

BIG NEWS :  We now have the bivalent vaccine and we will be encouraging all the residents to receive it. We also have the flu vaccine and are also encouraging all our residents to get this vaccine.

We applaud the hard work and dedication of our entire staff. Their tireless and selfless efforts are having an immeasurably positive impact on our efforts to maintain a safe environment for our treasured residents.

As always, we are here to help in any way we can so please feel free to reach out to us.

Robert Smolin, LNHA                     

P: 973-736-2000 ext. 4241
F: 973-731-4582
[email protected]

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